Company Name
    Kubera PriveeK-TAM, SwedenK-TAM, IndiaKubera Assets
    Company Registration Number :

    Date of Incorporation :

    Ownership Structure (Please Describe) :

    Company Name :

    Company Addresses:

    City :

    Country :

    Company Telephone :

    Company Website :

    Trading Name (If different from above) :

    Trading Address (If different from above) :

    Name of Primary Counterparty Contact :

    Position of Primary Contact :

    Telephone of Primary Contact :

    Does the Counterparty provide regulated products? If yes, please detail :

    Regulator/Country :

    Licence Number :

    Who are the Counterparty Customers ?

    Where do these customers originate ?

    What is the source of funds that will be funding our account ?

    Which jurisdiction(s) will the funds originate ?

    Has the business/directors/executive management experienced any regulatory action? If yes, please detail:

    Products & Services

    What is the purpose of the account with us? Please detail all services including treasury/banking:

    Do you have a requirement for other services that we have not mentioned? If yes, please detail:

    Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Kubera Companies aims to have a much deeper understanding of your objectives, constraints along with a perspective that fully meet your needs and expectations.