K-TAM is a European structured trust which is akin to a hedge fund, bank, and wealth manager. K-TAM can manage a variety of assets that are held in Trust for clients (individuals or legal entities) residing in any part of the world.

K-TAM is structured as a Limited Partnership and registered as a Regulated Service Provider in accordance with the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act.

K-TAM combines the best of two worlds; Onshore respectability and prestige
with Offshore tax and privacy advantages.

Client Development

Our clients will initially be sourced through our extensive network of friends and family who are located in a number of countries in Asia and Europe from India, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Mauritius, UK, Sweden and Cyprus to name just a few.

These friends and families are very close and have indicated their intention to become our clients and we anticipate being recommended to new clients fairly quickly. This organic growth will be our preferred route to maturity; once the organic growth of the business plateau’s then we will consider this as the time to encompass a direct financial advisor / private investment management team.

Investment Portfolio

Our clients are conservative individuals and families whose risk appetite is minimal, which is why we intend to focus on stable investments that offer fixed returns such as Prime Real Estate and Bonds – in essence – plain vanilla products. Initially we shall be offering products on a fully bespoke basis, however, over time as we expand, in our experience we know that similarities will develop between clients which will enable us to form a model. Furthermore, we shall provide a full discretionary portfolio in order to preserve and grow generational wealth.

Business Growth / Expansion

The first 4 years we shall have a primary focus on solid growth of the assets under management and from year 5 onwards we shall direct more focus on a refining process and secondary focus on growth of assets under management. This is to ensure that we become even more selective with business development and the maintenance of existing and high quality of clients.

Fee Structure

Our fee structure is determined by our clients; as we are initially dealing with friends and family who are conservative then our fees will be dictated by the products we offer. Initially these fees will be at the lower end of the scale but in due course we expect to reach approximately 1% of assets under management with a  50:50 ratio on all profits above 12% returns. This fee structure will attract clients as a result of the lower asset maintenance cost but also incentivise us to find high quality stable low risk growth products.